Commercial Views on Mental Health

Tim Dupell
3 min readMar 28, 2023


Mental health issues’ impact on people, families, and society is covered under the economic notion of mental health. It considers the price of mental illness and its impact on other elements, including education, poverty, violence, abuse, hostility, and social isolation.

The cost of mental illnesses to society and the health care system is high. However, affordable therapies make it feasible to lessen the burden of mental illnesses.

Cost-effectiveness is a phrase used in economics to describe how effective a strategy or program is and if the money spent on it was worthwhile. This is done by predicting how many health units the approach will create, such as days without depression or a point on a clinical severity scale.

A large and expensive worldwide burden, mental illness contributes to frequent sick days, high unemployment rates, and lost productivity at work. Most of these expenses are paid by persons with the ailment and their families.

However, there are certain restrictions on how cost-effectiveness may be assessed. First, this can be challenging because a significant percentage of the financial expense of mental health issues isn’t directly linked to therapies for the disease. This is referred to as an indirect cost and might include a reduced worker pool, reduced productivity due to presenteeism or presenteeism, and higher turnover or unemployment. These ancillary expenses could be more expensive than direct medical expenses.

A condition of total physical, emotional, and social well-being is known as mental health. It is characterized by emotional maturity and balance, excellent behavioural adjustment, a low level of anxiety, the capability to build healthy relationships, and the capacity to adapt to and deal with adversity.

Mental illness causes a heavy financial strain on people, families, organizations, and the whole economy. This review emphasizes the need for more study on the financial burden and expense of mental illness.

It can be challenging to diagnose, treat, and manage mental illness. It has significant wider ramifications for family life, education, work, and wealth creation, among other outcomes, in addition to the local therapeutic context.

These expenses, which significantly influence healthcare systems, businesses, and welfare budgets, are frequently disregarded by mental health policymakers. Consumers of findings must consider these broader consequences when making decisions related to interventions in economic assessments of interventions.

Economic assessment is crucial to assist policymakers in understanding how to spend resources more effectively. It also helps address more general challenges around paying for mental health services, such as tax-funded universal healthcare and may assist in guiding mental health policies and practices.

In this situation, cost-benefit analysis (CEA) is a valuable paradigm for contrasting the health impacts of various therapies. It contrasts the monetary values of intervention effects with a general “health outcome” metric as the number of years of life gained or the number of days devoid of depression attained.

For people, their families, workplaces, society, and the economy in general, mental health is a crucial problem. It has a significant financial impact on the NHS, social services, businesses, and welfare budgets.

Both direct and indirect expenses associated with mental illness exist. Direct costs include the price of diagnosis, medication, and therapy. Due to high ER visits, co-occurring physical illnesses, and early mortality, these expenditures are higher for those with a significant mental illness.

Indirect costs include lost output, such as a smaller labour pool or public assistance payments from diminished educational attainment or inability to work. Furthermore, since they are less able to handle stress or the demands of their jobs, those with severe mental disorders are likely to have lower employment rates than the general population.

The need for a more detailed economic analysis of mental health therapies and programs exists so that decision-makers may allocate resources effectively while considering opportunity costs.



Tim Dupell
Tim Dupell

Written by Tim Dupell

Tim Dupell has devoted his professional life to providing mental health professionals with the benefit of his knowledge, connections, and enthusiasm.

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